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NoahP15's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

younger people enjoy golf as an activity not a sport like football or baseball or hockey, golf is in there with swimming and chess. not a sport.

1 point

there is no valid proof that it is a better sport. People just watch football, it brings more money than soccer, football is played all over the world (mostly in america) but lets not forget the arena football league and the cfl the canadian football league so its played all over. not to mention rugby is played in ireland and other countries in Europe.

NoahP15(30) Clarified
1 point

this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic we are talking about. how about doing this for real?

1 point

I agree with matt, he has some really good ideas for this debate. School has been fine the way it is, kids are just babies and whine about not being able to get up. yes they should change the time but not 9am maybe 8am and an hour lunch open campus.

1 point

Golfers arent athletes, they just swing a club on the weekends when its sunny out they dont ever need to build strength or stay in shape or be fast runners.

1 point

it is better for your body to be able to function and work properly during the day plus as growing young adults sleep helps you grow so thats a big part. Plus when you get a job you will have to work during the day and unless you work at a 24 hour service office then you would work 3rd shift thats the only time you would need to stay up late. Also in college you have 8am classes till 3pm unless you choose to take classes in the afternoon because thats when the teacher has the class available.

1 point

video games can make you violent by the actions you are performing when playing these games. so if parents use their brains and control and keep an eye on what kids play there shouldn't be any problems

1 point

Cats are so much lazier and more cuddly and don't poop all over the place (generally) and they weigh less. They are sometimes mean but its all on how well you treat them. they are a good animal.

1 point

I agree. Lunch is the 2nd meal in your day but it is what helps you get through the rest of your day besides breakfast which is the most important. They should focus on getting students breakfast before taking away their lunch

1 point

it does not matter. they are human they should have the right. just because they may have made a mistake or choice doesn't mean they aren't apart of the great country in which we live.

1 point

no one watches golf though. Like i would rather watch pain dry then watch golf on tv.

1 point

but video games are all around on phones, tablets, concoles, computers and what parents usually do is give their kid a device of some sort to play on and they are playing these games which then is in their brains.

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